I am so excited to be taking part in Megan’s Fortnight of Guests, I’ve loved the previous events that Megan has compiled on The Book Addicted Girl so I am super honoured to be taking a part in this year’s event.
My name is Hollie, and I blog at Music, Books and Tea. I’ve been blogging for nearly two years now (crazy how time flies!) and it’s safe to say that I’ve loved every single minute of it.
Today I thought I’d share with you a few of the YA books that I’m so happy that I took a risk on and read.
Books I’m Glad I Took the Plunge With and Read
I know, I know! I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Twilight Saga, because these were the first Young Adult books I’d read in a long while, and really gave me a taste for YA. If it wasn’t for these books, I wouldn’t have bothered with YA, which means that I probably wouldn’t have my book blog. So I actually have a lot to thank these books for, and I think there’s probably a lot of other bloggers who feel the same way as I do.

Oh my, where to begin? This is the book that started my love for John Green, and also introduced me to a world of books and authors who I now love. I was sceptical to read this at first, as I didn’t really understand the appeal of reading a book about a boy who was going to fall in love with a girl he couldn’t have, but this book was just so much more than that, and I loved it for it.

Okay, it was a given that I would read this book, but I was 99% sure I wasn’t going to enjoy it. And how wrong was I?! This book quickly shot high up the list and earned itself a place in my favourites, and quite rightly so. When I read it, I wasn’t entirely sold on the idea of dystopian books, but thanks to this book, I’ve read a ton of them, and it’s easily one of my favourite (if not my actual favourite) YA genres. So yeah, if you haven’t read Divergent yet, I highly recommend it because it’s awesome.

What isn’t there to love about this book?? Shadow and Bone is amazing, it contains literally everything that makes a book awesome. There’s magic. There’s Grisha. There’s lots of romance. (The Darkling!!) Shadow and Bone was nothing short of incredible, and again, if you haven’t read it yet, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on a copy, read it, and fall in love

When I first read the synopsis of Finding Sky, I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of it, so I just kind of put it towards the back of my mind and forgot about it for a little while. Then I took a chance on it at the end of last year, and I am so happy that I decided to do so! I was introduced to a totally different type of paranormal book, full to the brim of action and a group of brothers called the Benedicts…(need I say any more?!)
Thank you so much for your amazing post, Hollie! I totally agree with Finding Sky, Shadow and Bone and Twilight. I promise, I'll read the other two ASAP!! :D
Hope you all enjoyed Hollie's awesome post! And don't forget to follow Hollie's Blog: Music, Books and Tea, follow her on Twitter and Goodreads! :D
And keep up to date with MonthOfGuests on Twitter using #MonthOfGuests2013! And stop by tomorrow for another awesome post by the amazing Emma from Never Jude A Book By Its Cover - my wonderful new blogging partner!!
Finding Sky is a favourite of mine. I love Joss Stirling's books.
Great post, Hollie!
Thanks for having me, Megan! You totally need to read Looking for Alaska, and Divergent is so awesome! :D
Thanks for sharing.
I often drink herbal teas
when I was reading a book,it is wonderful!!!!
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